Baïkonour - For the Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos
.. hochinteressante Musik. Elektrischer Rock.
.. gefunden habe ich dazu leider keine deutsche Kritk, aber Pitchforkmedia gibt ‘was her:
.. gefunden habe ich dazu leider keine deutsche Kritk, aber Pitchforkmedia gibt ‘was her:
With origins in the same Versailles terroir that birthed Air, it’s difficult to resist scrutinizing Jean-Emmanuel Krieger’s electronic project Baïkonour for similarities to his fellow countrymen’s distinctively purified synthetic landscapes. And though there are moments on Baïkonour’s full-length debut, For the Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos, that bear comparison to some of the more spacious, iridescent environments of Talkie Walkie, over the album’s course Krieger ably distinguishes his work through rigorous, jazz-inflected musicianship and an inspired navigation of spiraling, locomotive Krautrock dynamics.
14. February 2006 um 13:28 Uhr von unico
Eingetragen unter: Musik
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